Sanday Men's Shed - Shoulder To Shoulder
Despite its beauty, Sanday faces challenges such as limited access to services, long trips to the nearest hospital, high energy costs, population decline, and an aging population. Social and cultural opportunities are limited, leading to well-being issues like isolation and mental health problems. These challenges inspired the creation of the Sanday Men’s Shed to foster community and support residents.

Sanday Men's Shed
Ironically, our Men’s Shed owes its inception to a local woman. In September 2019, Magda Macdonald, the island’s Wellbeing Coordinator, met with the established Orkney Mainland Men’s Shed and arranged for their members to introduce the concept to Sanday men. In double quick time the idea took off and Sanday Men’s Shed soon had its first committee. With the help of the Scottish Men’s Shed Association, a Constitution was drafted and thanks to Sanday Development Trust a long-term peppercorn lease of a dilapidated former store was secured in Kettletoft village.

So, what is a Men’s Shed?
Its been said that Men’s Sheds are like garden sheds – but bigger and more sociable, and Men’s Sheds vary in size, shape and purpose just as much as garden sheds do.
Broadly speaking they are about doing practical things, making and mending but in a social rather than solitary setting where tools and knowledge and skill (and stories and a bit of a laugh) can be shared. Some folk do their own projects and some work in groups and some prioritise the talking aspect of a Shed – accompanied by tea, coffee, biscuits and cake .
Sanday Men’s Shed is a member of The Scottish Men’s Sheds Association (SMSA). The SMSA has grown over the last ten years to become the largest men’s health and wellbeing charity in Scotland.
Some of our projects

Old Co-op stores refurbishment
The home of Sanday Men’s Shed.
In its previous lives our Shed was a shop, then a recycling centre before lying unused for 10 years. By the time we inherited it it was a ruined blockwork structure with leaking roof and windows.
To see how the members transformed the building, click here…

Community School Playground
Over three days in May some of the Shedders joined a volunteer workgroup to install the 12 new outdoor gym equipment machines at the Community School. After loads of hand digging through the rocky subsoil we were able to create the individual pits for the 550mm deep concrete bases.
See the full story here…

Saville Beach Steps
See more here…
Become a "Sanday Shedder"
Join us or if you would like more information or a chat, please get in touch.
Contact Details:
Sanday Mens Shed
KW17 2BJ
email: sandayshed@gmail.com